Putting people first

Revitalising a Finance Company through Strategic Recruitment


Our client is a medium enterprises financial institution specialising in providing loans and financial services to small and medium-sized businesses. Despite its solid reputation and history, the company has been facing challenges in retaining talented staff members. High turnover rates have become a significant concern, leading to disruptions in operations, loss of institutional knowledge, and diminished employee morale. Recognising the urgency to address this issue, the company’s leadership decided to undertake a strategic recruitment initiative aimed at revitalising the organisation.


High Turnover: Employee turnover rates for this client. were notably high, leading to increased recruitment costs and disruption in service delivery.

Loss of Talent: Talented employees were leaving the organisation due to perceived lack of growth opportunities, inadequate compensation and limited career development programs.

Diminished Morale: The persistent turnover and inability to retain skilled staff had a detrimental effect on the morale of the remaining employees, impacting productivity and overall workplace atmosphere.


Our client embarked on a comprehensive strategic recruitment plan aimed at not only attracting new talent but also retaining existing employees. The strategy included the following key components:

Employee Engagement Initiatives: The company introduced various employee engagement programs, including mentorship schemes, professional development workshops and regular feedback sessions. These initiatives aimed to enhance employee satisfaction and foster a sense of belonging within the organisation.

Competitive Compensation Packages: Recognising the importance of competitive compensation in retaining top talent, our client revised its compensation structure to ensure that it remained competitive within the industry. This included salary adjustments, performance-based bonuses and additional benefits such as healthcare and retirement plans.

Enhanced Recruitment Process: The company revamped its recruitment process to focus on identifying candidates who not only possessed the requisite skills and experience but also aligned with the company’s values and culture. This involved implementing rigorous screening processes, conducting behavioural assessments, and involving existing employees in the interview process to ensure cultural fit.

Employee Referral Program: Our client launched an employee referral program to incentivise existing employees to refer qualified candidates for open positions. This not only helped in attracting talent but also strengthened employee engagement by involving them in the recruitment process.

Career Development Opportunities: Our client invested in employee training and development programs aimed at providing opportunities for skill enhancement and career advancement. This included providing access to online courses, sponsoring professional certifications and offering opportunities for internal mobility.


The strategic recruitment initiative implemented by our client. yielded significant positive results:

Reduced Turnover: The company experienced a notable decrease in employee turnover rates following the implementation of the strategic recruitment plan. Employees were more engaged and satisfied with their roles, leading to increased retention.

Improved Talent Acquisition: The enhanced recruitment process resulted in the hiring of high-quality candidates who were not only skilled but also aligned with the company’s values and culture. This led to improved team cohesion and productivity.

Enhanced Employee Morale: The implementation of employee engagement initiatives and career development programs had a positive impact on employee morale. Employees felt valued and supported, leading to a more positive workplace atmosphere and increased productivity.

Cost Savings: By reducing turnover rates and improving retention, our client realised significant cost savings associated with recruitment and training. The company was able to reallocate resources to other areas of the business, further enhancing its competitiveness in the market.
